Monday, October 14, 2013

Clean Eating: You are what you eat

My husband and I have been meal prepping and clean eating for about 3-4 months, maybe longer. It all started when he got more serious about his workouts and fitness. One day he'll come home looking like the Incredible Hulk *eekk! It really helps keep us on track, resist the urge to buy fast food, and save money

The idea of meal prepping came from some of his IG followers and its very easy, if you can keep up with it and make a schedule. Our schedule changes because of my work, rotating days and nights.
"fail to plan and plan to fail" *personal pic

I use a composition notebook to jot down new creative ways to get protein, starch, and veggies. I just cant see myself eating chicken, broccoli, and rice everyday. I would go crazy.

So today while I was feeding my addiction, Pinterest (do not judge), I found a recipe that made chicken broccoli & rice much more interesting. I had all the ingredients in the fridge except the broth and turkey bacon. This meal took me an hour and its great!! I added more seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, chicken seasoning, red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, and seasoned salt. Try out the recipe from Kevin & Amanda
Source: Kevin & Amanda

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting. I am always looking for new recipes to try.


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